This thoughtful coming-of-age novel focuses on an overweight seventh grader who compensates for her lack of self-confidence with an abundance of ambition and heart...This empowering novel is perfect for girls trying to overcome any obstacle, weight-related or not.

-School Library Journal




Maggie Bean is a top student, a loyal friend, and has a great sense of humor. But the past year's been kind of rough, what with her dad losing his job and her loads of schoolwork. Maggie's learned to cope by eating chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. So much so, that Maggie is dragged by her aunt to weekly Pound Patrollers meetings. No big deal, just utter social devastation. She keeps her mind off PP meetings by "accidentally" running into gorgeous 8th grader Peter Applewood; updating her study spreadsheet—a.k.a, Maggie's Master Multi-Tasker; finding a job for her dad; and secretly practicing for one of the two freshman spots on the synchronized swim team. She's got a long way to go to reach her goals, but when Maggie Bean sets her mind on a goal, nothing—not even a bag of Kit Kats—can stand in her way.


Here's what's new with Maggie Bean: At the end of her tumultuous year, Maggie Bean is a very happy, healthy girl. After months of Pound Patrollers attendance, diet, and tough swim workouts, the scale now reads 150. But Maggie isn't resting on her laurels - she's got a busy summer ahead. Not only is Maggie spearheading a Pound Patrollers kids' program but she gets a junior camp counselor job at Camp Sound View. Camp Sound View is a whole new world for Maggie. She works with kids from other schools who don't know her, or what she looked like a year ago. Everyone's friendly, boys treat her like a real girl, and Maggie is mesmerized! The experience is something she knows never would've been possible the summer before. Wounded by Peter's recent rejection and flattered by the unexpected attention, Maggie immerses herself in everything Camp Sound View has to offer. Her confidence grows, and before long she's cracking jokes and initiating conversation without worrying (much) about what people think. It's all fun and games until Maggie becomes so involved, people (Aimee, Arnie and her family) feel neglected. Will Maggie sacrifice old friends for new ones? Will she change what's on the inside as people respond to her changed outside? Can she blend her two worlds together? And will all this tension send her seeking solace in old habits?


At the start of 8th grade, Maggie Bean is really, truly, 100% happy. She's successfully maintained her weight, moved into a beautiful house her family actually owns, and—best of all—fallen in love. That's right—love. The real kind, with actual dates, hand holding, laughing and wishing every perfect moment would never end. Maggie wants nothing more than to bask in the joy of having a boyfriend, being a girlfriend and enjoying eighth grade. But eighth grade is serious—it's one year closer to high school, college and the rest of her life, and Maggie has a lot to do: academic clubs, the swim team, the Patrol This weight-loss club... On top of that, she is striving to the best friend, daughter, and sister she can be (not to mention girlfriend). Balancing everything requires a lot of careful planning and organizing—and, this time, Maggie's Master Mult-Tasker might not be enough. Can she handle the pressure? Can she be everything to everybody—including herself? And will her new relationship survive while she's figuring it all out?